Medulla Blog

The Brain Cancer Group & Medulla

Written by Neil Baker | Sep 19, 2018 1:56:31 AM

Medulla is proud to support the The Brain Cancer Group through our Pledge 1% commitment. The Brain Cancer Group is team of a distinguished clinical support staff, researchers, and brain surgeons working together and applying insights from frontline patient care to inform activities across research, support and education, to ensure they are making a difference in the lives of those affected by brain cancer.

While our contribution doesn't compare to their frontline efforts, Medulla is lending a hand by applying our expertise in digital data management to ensure The Brain Cancer Group is able to collaborate on, and analyse, decades of clinical data in the most efficient way possible.

Medulla CEO Neil Baker & Pat Wheaton, CEO of The Brain Cancer Group

 We encourage each of our employees at Medulla to select a charity they are passionate about, and back that up by ensuring they have the time and resources to make a difference. Our CEO, Neil, has selected the Brain  Cancer Group in support of his wife, Ceri-Anne Smith, who lost her father to the disease in January 2004 and who is now an ambassador for the charity. Our goal is to help the dedicated clinicians and researchers do the work that they do best and not be weighted down by the digital landscape.

Stay tuned to hear about the other charities  our team is supporting.